Master Painters
Paint Stripping
Stripping Back to Bare Timber Provides the Best Canvas for a Spectacular Paint Finish!
Our paint stripping workmanship is guaranteed.
We understand that stripping and painting your house can be expensive. If you would prefer to paint yourself, that’s no problem. Solutrades Master Painters can provide a quick and thorough service of fully stripping your house. Once done we can help you with tips of the trade to achieve that professional paint finish.
Many homes built before 1980 were painted using lead-based paint. With time comes maintenance, instead of stripping the house to bare timber, repainting was done by simply painting over the lead-based paint. Up to 20 layers of paint over time has been added. This increased weight means that the lead-based paint can no longer adhere to the timber, the lead-based paint will start to peel and flake.
Paint removal is a potentially hazardous undertaking—if it is done incorrectly, there can be long-lasting effects. Solutrades Master Painters take this area of the decorating process very seriously. We ensure that both our clients and staff are safe and protected at every stage of the process. Lead-based paint that falls to the ground can leach into the soil, or our children may pick it up and our pets could eat it leading to potential poisoning.